4- Andi's Scary School Days

Andi wants no part of school. School means being away from the ranch all day. School means wearing dresses and sitting next to a boy who throws dead flies at her. Andi didn't think she was afraid of anything--until now. Being sent to the corner for something she didn't do is just too much! Andi is leaving . . . and she's not going back.


Chapter 1

Hide and Seek

Andi Carter peeked over the half-door of her horse’s stall.

“Nobody’s coming,” she whispered. “This is a good hiding place. Maybe I’m safe.”

Andi’s baby horse, Taffy, swished her tail. She nibbled Andi’s hair. Then she stamped her hoof and whinnied.

Let’s go play! Taffy seemed to be saying.

“Shhh!” Andi said. “You have to be quiet, so nobody finds me.”

Taffy’s mama, Snowflake, turned her large, white head and looked at Andi.

“You have to be quiet too,” Andi said. “I can’t come out until the buggy drives away.”

Just then Andi heard the barn door creak open. She heard footsteps coming closer.


Andi ducked into a corner. She wiggled down in the golden straw and squeezed her eyes shut. She tried not to breathe . . . or sneeze.

“Hey, Andi!”

The loud voice made Andi jump. Her eyes popped open.

Her friend Riley was poking his head over the stall door.

“What are you doing in here?” he asked. “Your brother is looking all over for you.”

Andi frowned. Nosy ol’ Riley!

Maybe this is not a good hiding place, after all, she thought.

“Shhh!” Andi told Riley in a loud whisper. “I’m hiding. I can’t let Justin find me.”

“Too late,” Andi’s big brother Justin said. He came up behind Riley and opened the stall door. “I found you. It’s time to go.” He smiled.

Andi didn’t move. Her stomach felt fluttery. Like a hundred butterflies were flying around in there.

It was not a good feeling.

“You and Melinda can go,” Andi said. “I’m staying home with Riley and Taffy.”

“Oh, no, you’re not,” Justin said.

He walked right over to Andi’s hiding place and picked her up.

“Put me down!” Andi hollered. She squirmed to get free.

But her big brother was too strong.

“Today is your first day of school,” Justin said. “You don’t want to be late.”

He walked out of the barn and into the bright sunshine.

“I can’t go to school,” Andi said. “I have to train Taffy. I have to take care of Coco. I have to—”

“All little girls and boys must go to school,” Justin said. He kept walking.

“Riley doesn’t have to go to school,” Andi said.

She twisted around and saw Riley running to the cookhouse. “He gets to help his Uncle Sid with ranch work.”

“Only until Riley goes home,” Justin said. “Then he’ll have to go back to school.”

Justin was right about that. Riley was just staying on the ranch until his mother got well.

Justin carried Andi to the buggy. He set her down next to Melinda, Andi’s big sister.

Eleven-year-old Melinda looked fresh and pretty—like always. A big, blue bow tied back her hair. She held her school books in her lap. She was smiling.

But Melinda’s smile didn’t last long.

She saw Andi and gasped. “What happened to you? You’re all rumpled. Your hair is full of straw. You can’t go to school looking like that.”

“I can’t?” Andi said. Then she grinned. “Good. I’ll stay home.”

Quick as a wink, Andi jumped out of the buggy.

But Justin was quick too. He grabbed her arm.

“Not so fast, young lady,” he said. “Get back in the buggy.”

Andi pouted. But she did what her brother told her.

Justin climbed into the buggy and picked up the reins. “Giddyup, Pal,” he said.

The horse took off at a fast trot. Away from the ranch.

Andi turned around. She hung on to the back of the buggy seat and watched the ranch house get smaller.

She saw Riley carrying firewood for Cook.

She saw her two other big brothers putting saddles on their horses.

“No fair!” Andi grouched. “Chad and Mitch don’t have to go to school.”

Just then Melinda pulled Andi around.

“Can’t you stay clean for one hour?” she scolded. “You look like a tomboy for the first day of school.”

Melinda began to pick the straw out of Andi’s hair.

“Stop that!” Andi yanked her braids away.

Justin caught Andi’s hand. “There’s nothing to be afraid of,” he said.

“I’m not afraid!” Andi hollered.

But that wasn’t exactly true.

Andi was afraid. She did not want to leave the ranch. She did not want to be gone all day in that scary new town called Fresno.

So many strangers! So many buildings! Streets full of horses and wagons.

Worst of all, there would be a school full of strange children. They would all stare at Andi—the youngest pupil.

A shiver went down Andi’s neck.

She felt sick inside.

Chapter 2

China Doll or Tomboy?

Justin stopped the buggy in front of a big, white schoolhouse. “Here we are, girls.”

Andi stared at her lap.

“Look, Andi.” Justin pointed to the roof. “Your school has a new bell.”

Andi looked up. Then she shrugged. “It’s just a bell.”

Justin winked at her. “Miss Hall sometimes lets her pupils ring the bell.”

Andi looked at the bell again. It might be fun to ring the bell.

But she didn’t tell Justin that. “I want to go home,” she said.

“Tell her not to make a fuss, Justin,” Melinda begged. She scowled at Andi.

Andi scowled back.

Justin tugged on one of Andi’s braids. “Try to act like a little lady today,” he said, smiling.

Andi didn’t answer.

Melinda hopped down. She put her books in one hand. With her other hand she helped Andi to the ground.

Then she grabbed their lunch pail from the back of the buggy.

Justin waved good-bye and drove away.

“Come on, Andi,” Melinda said. “I’m so excited!”

Excited? Andi looked around the schoolyard. She was not excited.

Not at all.

A whole bunch of strange boys and girls were laughing and running and shouting. They were all bigger than Andi.

When the children saw Andi, they stopped what they were doing and stared at her.

Andi stared back. Stop looking at me!

But she did not say those rude words out loud.

Instead, Andi followed Melinda into the schoolyard.

Even if she didn’t want to.

Suddenly, a big girl squealed, “Melinda! I haven’t seen you all summer!”

“Sarah!” Melinda squealed back. She set her books and the lunch pail on the ground. Then she raced over to Sarah.

Andi stood frozen. Melinda was leaving!

Wait! Stop! Andi tried to shout.

But the words would not come out. A big lump was stuck in her throat. 

All Andi could do was watch those two silly girls.

They hugged. They giggled. They jumped up and down. They whispered.

Then they linked arms and walked back to Andi.

“Your little sister is adorable,” Sarah told Melinda with a giggle. “And what a darling dress and pinafore! If you brushed out her hair and gave her a big bow, she would look just like a china doll.”

Sarah giggled again.

Andi rolled her eyes. Sarah giggled just like Melinda. Giggle boxes!

Andi tugged on Melinda’s sleeve. “Tell that girl I like braids best,” she whispered.

Melinda shook her head and told Andi to hush.

Andi frowned. Then she dug her hand into her pinafore pocket.

Most of the time, Andi kept special treasures in her overalls pockets. But her overalls were at home. All she had today was a pocket in her new pinafore.

But Andi had put a brand new, extra-special treasure in that pocket just this morning.

She pulled it out.

“My brother Mitch killed a rattlesnake last week,” Andi told Sarah. “He cut off the rattle and gave it to me. Mitch says it’s the biggest snake he ever saw.”

She opened her hand. “See?”

A gray-and-white rattlesnake’s rattle lay in Andi’s palm. She poked it with her finger. “That brown stuff is dried blood.”

Sarah sucked in her breath.

“Do you want to shake it?” Andi asked. She held the rattle up to Sarah.

Sarah backed up. “N-no, thanks!” Then she ran for the schoolhouse.

Melinda put her hands on her hips. “Did you have to show Sarah that disgusting snake’s rattle?”

“Yep,” Andi said, grinning. “Then maybe she won’t call me a china doll anymore.”

“For sure she won’t,” Melinda said. “She’ll call you a tomboy instead.”

Andi put her brand new, extra-special treasure back in her pocket. “Good.” She kept smiling.

“You better not show anybody else that thing,” Melinda told her. “Miss Hall will punish you if she sees it.”

Just then, the bell began to ring.

A boy stood on the porch. He was pulling a rope. The rope was tied to a big bell on the roof.

Clang, clang!

“Come on,” Melinda said. She picked up her books and the lunch pail. Then she took Andi’s hand. “School’s starting.”

Andi hung back. “Do I have to go in there, Melinda?”

Melinda’s grumpy voice turned soft. “Yes, you really do. Mother said so. Don’t be a scaredy-cat. I’ll hold your hand.”

“I’m not a scaredy-cat!” Andi said.

But that wasn’t exactly true.

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